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- Natchez Trace Parkway: A Road Through
the Wilderness

-- 6 Stereo Audio Cassettes on Chrome tape in a vinyl
album with over 8 1/2 hours of narration and
original music. An Audiobook/Self-Guided Driving Tour designed for armchair
traveling or exploring the
Natchez Trace Parkway either from Natchez to
Nashville or Nashville to Natchez. This series
contains the album THE JOURNEY which is also
being sold separately.
- ISBN 1-885154-47-X .......RETAIL $39.95
-- 1 Stereo Audio Cassette on Chrome tape in a
Norelco Box. This 1 hour RoadMusic® tape contains
a short narrated history of the Natchez Trace and a
selection of 12 original music pieces and songs
inspired by unique spots along the historic Old Road.
These selections are contained in the above driving
tour. A fold out J-Card describes the origin of each
of these musical pieces.
- ISBN 1-885154-48-8 .......RETAIL $9.95
Natchez Trace: A Road Through the
Wilderness and THE JOURNEY are available at bookstores
Call us TODAY, to get your copies of Natchez Trace: A Road
Through the Wilderness and THE JOURNEY.
You may also print out the following Order Form
and mail it to Thomasfilms, Inc. along with your Check, Money Order,
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wishing to carry these audio products
If you have further questions, please email us at
[Natchez Trace: A Road Through the
Copyright © 1996.
Thomasfilms, Inc.
P.O. Box 153
Iuka, MS 38852-0153
Phone/Fax (601)423-3333
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